Console, this is a terminal window that allows you to browse the directory your Function app project is in and allows you to do most things a terminal would allow. Logs, this will show you log output from your function. The bottom menu, this contains two different things: Test, we get help constructing requests towards our service, both choice of HTTP method and payload. It’s Node.js and CommonJS so we can expect things like require and module.exports to work add/remove files to your project, yes you can have a project consisting of many files. The right menu, this is a tabulated menu on your left that allows you to do two things: Toolbar, this is placed at the top and lets you do things like Save, Run and get a URL for your function Monitor, this shows all the executions of a function, if it went well and how long it took. Depending on authorization level you will need one or more of these keys in your requests to be able to call a specific function in your Function app
Manage, this is where we manage function keys and host keys.Integrate, this lets you control things like allowed HTTP method, Authorization level, and probably most important Inputs and Outputs, here you can configure what type of events can trigger our function but also what kind of events we can trigger in turn by returning something from the function.Left menu, this is placed on the left side right under your function Once your function has been generated it’s time to get to know your portal IDE.
So let’s try to refactor our code from our first post in this series and discover some of the Portal IDEs while we do so. If not, have a look hereĪt this point, we’ve merely scratched the surface of what the portal IDE can do.
Ok, so hopefully you’ve read the first part in this series so you know your way around creating a Function app and your first Azure function and how to run the same in your Portal IDE and in the browser.
Link to all the LEARN modules on Azure functions,. , Tutorial to how you create your first function. , landing page for Azure Functions documentation. , General landing page for Azure functions. There is always a ton more to learn about functions such as how to work with different types of trigger, how to create APIS, how to document those APIs and so on. Logging, there are different ways we can work with logging, let’s see how we can log statements and log at them afterward. Use HTTP and async/await, you can definitely call other endpoints from our function and present the result. NPM SERVERLESS RESPONSE INSTALL
Using libraries, You can definitely use NPM to install libraries.
Splitting up in modules, As this is Node.js we can definitely use the CommonJS module system. Getting to know the IDE generally, The portal may not be the ideal IDE to write your Azure Functions in but it does contain a lot of great functionality to author your function. In this article we will cover the following: Serverless - from the beginning, using Azure functions ( Azure CLI ), part IV, in progress. Serverless - from the beginning, using Azure functions ( VS Code ), part III, in progress. Serverless - from the beginning, using Azure functions ( Azure portal ), part II, we are here. Serverless - from the beginning, using Azure functions ( Azure portal ), part I, this part focuses on presenting the concept Serverless and also shows how you can build your first Azure function using the portal. # Serverless - from the beginning, using Azure functions ( Azure portal ), part IIįollow me on Twitter, happy to take your suggestions on topics or improvements /Chris